Prices trains 2014

We propose you some drawn ones and their price to reach points of tourist interest in economic way. For further information or to book a ticket we recommend You to visit the site of the Ferrovie dello stato

Cliccare per ingrandire


Rate "gone+return" in train from the station of Monselice every 60min.Baby free, boys discount 50%; Monselice-Padova 6,6€ - Monselice-Venezia 10,7€.

Cliccare per ingrandire


Rate "gone+return" in train from the station of Monselice every 60min.Baby free, boys discount 50%; Monselice-Ferrara 10,7€ - Monselice-Bologna 16,4€.

Cliccare per ingrandire


Rate "gone+return" in train from the station of Monselice every 60min.Baby free, boys discount 50%; Monselice-Vicenza 10,7€ - Monselice-Verona 24,6€

Note:The rates are up-to-date to 2014 but you/they can vary because subject to ministerial directives.

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